Senin, 24 November 2008

Benefits of Bio Necklace Biofir

  • Improve blood circulation

  • Improve vitality and maintaince your health

  • Relieve the stress and pain of our body active

  • Metabolism in tissues and cells

  • Improve mental strength

  • Intercept electromagnet wave

  • Reducing the acidic level in our body

  • Elimination of other waste from the body

  • Improve oxygen level in our body

  • Normalization of blood cholesterol

  • Enhance and maintain freshness

  • Prevent degenerative illnesses such as cancer, stroke, and heart disease

  • It helps to overcome migraine and vertigo

  • It helps to overcome asthma and bronchitis

  • It helps to overcome sinusitis

  • It helps to overcome insomnia

  • It helps to overcome rheumatism

  • It helps to eliminate body odor

  • It helps to maintain blood pH

  • Improve sex ability

  • It is very beneficial for people who is suffering from Cancer, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Back Problems, Acid Reflux, Diabetes Mellitus, Heart, Stroke, Rheumatism, Uric Acid, Migraine, Anemia, Headaches, Prostate, Osteoporosis, Stress, Arthritis, Sinusitis, Vertigo, and Vaginistis.

Untuk Anda Biofir Ada

  • Bagi Anda yang sibuk dan jarang berolah raga (olahraga kurang dari 4 x seminggu dan lamanya kurang dari 45 menit setiap kali olahraga). KalungBio FIR sangat baik menjaga kondisi tetap FIT, Bergairah & Tidak Mudah Lelah Karena dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dan mengencerkan darah sehingga meringankan kerja jantung.

  • Bagi Anda yang saat ini masih belum bisa berhenti merokok namun menghargai kesehatan Anda. Dapat menggunakan Kalung Biofir ini untuk membantu mendetok / membuang racun tar dan nikotin dari dalam tubuh Anda, sehingga racun dari rokok dalam tubuh anda dapat di keluarkan melalui urin & kotoran Anda.

  • Bagi Anda yang saat ini masih belum sakit diabetes namun pola makan Anda yang selalu kaya karbohidrat : nasi, kentang, roti, kue, mie dan jarang mengkonsumsi sayuran / buah kurang dari 7 porsi sehari. Maka Anda dapat menggunakan Kalung Biofir untuk menjaga kesehatan Anda. Sebab diabetes adalah ibu dari segala penyakit yang akan memunculkan banyak masalah kesehatan seperti masalah jantung, paru-paru, dan ginjal.

  • Bagi Anda yang mengalami gejala punggung kaku atau leher dan bahu sering agak kaku. Dan bahkan gejala sering kesemutan entah di bagian tubuh mana pun. Waspadai gejala stroke. Segera check-up kesehatan Anda. Dan pakai Kalung Biofir untuk pencegahan. Karena Kalung Biofir mampu membantu menormalkan tekanan darah tinggi, asam urat, trigliserida, kolesterol dan melancarkan peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh terutama melindungi sirkulasi jantung dan otak. Jangan menunda hingga terjadi penyumbatan pada pembuluh darah Anda yang dapat mengakibatkan stroke dan fatal akibatnya.

  • Bagi Anda yang mengalami rasa tidak enak pada jantung Anda. Segera check-up kesehatan Anda. Dan pakai Kalung Biofir yang dapat meringankan kerja jantung. Bayangkan jantung kita sudah berdetak dari kita dalam kandungan hingga usia kita saat ini. Berdetak terus tanpa henti... meskipun kita istirahat dan tidur. Sehingga sangat bijak jika Anda memperhatikan kesehatan jantung Anda.

  • Bagi Anda yang kadang mengalami masalah pencernaan seperti perut kembung dan maag. Jangan biarkan berlarut-larut. Segera atasi dengan makan teratur dan jaga tingkat stress Anda. Gas lambung dapat mengganggu kerja jantung dan iritasi lambung ringan bisa menjadi parah hingga perlu perawatan. Anda pun dapat menggunakan Kalung Biofir untuk membantu mengatasi masalah ini dengan mengaktifkan kerja sel 3x dari biasanya sehingga perbaikan sel tubuh lebih cepat sehingga Anda dapat lebih cepat sembuh, dan menormalkan produksi gas dan mampu membantu mengeluarkan gas berlebih pada perut.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Asam Urat

Drs. Suwandoko, Surabaya
Saya punya keluhan gangguan asam urat tinggi yang sudah saya derita selaCa 3 bulan. Selain itu kolesterol saya juga tinggi. Karena itu selama 3 bulan saya hanya makan nasi jagung dan krupuk saja.

Saya juga ada keluhan sakit kepala bagian belakang. Kalau menoleh ke kiri atau kanan sangat sulit sekali. Setiap 2 minggu sekali saya beli obat untuk diminum

Suatu hari seorang teman menganjurkan saya untuk memakai kalung Biofir.

Dalam waktu 1 hari saya pakai, pertama yg saya rasakan adalah sakit di kepala saya itu hilang.

Senin, 03 November 2008

Yang Item Juga keren Abis

Fungsi dan Manfaat :

Membantu memperlancar sirkulasi darah dalam tubuh

Mengaktifkan sel-sel tubuh

Mengurangi masalah sakit pada leher

Membantu kinerja jantung

Cantik dan elegan dengan warna hitam. Memiliki fungsi, bentuk, ukuran yang sama dengan yang berwarna putih.

Berisi total 65 butir yang terdiri dari :

- kalung (49 butir bio) + gelang (16 butir bio)

Apakah kalung kesehatan BioFIR ini mahal?

Jika dibandingkan dengan biaya pengobatan/biaya obat apabila seseorang mengalami sakit, maka kalung ini tidak ada apa-apanya, bahkan nilainya menjadi murah sekali. Karena kalung ini bisa digunakan seumur hidup dan bisa diwariskan.

Penyembuhan/terapi menggunakan kalung biofir ini bersifat alamiah dan ilmiah. Tidak akan menimbulkan efek samping sedikitpun, karena kalung ini bukan bahan kimia atau mengandung magnet. Tetapi kalung ini terbuat dari larva gunung berapi yang telah dipanaskan dengan teknologi modern dalam suhu yang panas sekali, lalu didinginkan secara perlahan, sehingga memiliki kemampuan memantulkan sinar inframerah jarak jauh yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup, khususnya manusia.

Jadi, jika anda masih berfikir produk ini mahal (harga tinggi), silahkan renungkan dan perbandingkan, lebih mahal mana dengan obat atau biaya perawatan jika anda atau orang yang anda cintai mengalami sakit?

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a “silent killer.” Learn how to stop its stealth attack on vital organs.

Often called the silent killer, high blood pressure can quietly damage your body for years before symptoms develop. Left uncontrolled, you may wind up with a disability, a poor quality of life or even a fatal heart attack.

Learn more about high blood pressure so that you know what’s at stake and can gain a better sense of why successfully managing your high blood pressure is so important.

Here’s a look at the complications high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause when it’s not effectively controlled.

Damage to your arteries

Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. Their inner lining is smooth so that blood flows freely, supplying vital organs and tissues with adequate nutrients and oxygen. If you have high blood pressure, the increased pressure of blood flowing through your arteries gradually can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. The excessive pressure in your arteries from high blood pressure alters the cells of the arteries’ inner lining. That launches a cascade of events that make artery walls thick and stiff, a disease called arteriosclerosis (ahr-teer-e-o-skluh-RO-sis), or hardening of the arteries. Circulating fats pass through the altered cells and accumulate to start the process of atherosclerosis. These changes can affect arteries throughout your body, obstructing blood flow to your heart, kidneys, brain and extremities. The damage can cause chest pain (angina), heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, peripheral arterial disease and aneurysms.
  • Aneurysm. Over time, the constant pressure of blood coursing through a weakened artery can cause a section of its wall to enlarge and form a bulge (aneurysm). An aneurysm (AN-u-rizm) can rupture and cause life-threatening internal bleeding. Aneurysms can form in any artery throughout your body, but they’re most common in the aorta, your body’s largest artery.


There are two basic forms of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM), childhood diabetes or also known as juvenile diabetes, is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas leading to a deficiency of insulin. It should be noted that there is no known preventative measure that can be taken against type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes appears most often in middle-aged.

Diabetes causes many changes in the body. Neuropathy (damage to the nerves) affects sensation to the feet, so that pain is not felt. Diabetes affects approximately 17 million people (about 8% of the population) in the United States. In addition, an estimated additional 12 million people in the United States have diabetes and don’t even know it. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. Males are at greater risk in regions of high incidence, particularly older males, whose incidence rates often show seasonal variation. People with diabetes often develop bacterial and fungal infections, typically of the skin. When the levels of sugar in the blood are high, white blood cells cannot effectively fight infections. Diabetes is a major risk factor for stroke and coronary heart disease, which includes heart attack.

Serious medical illness and surgery produce a state of increased insulin resistance. Controlling your blood sugar is essential to feeling healthy and avoiding long-term complications of diabetes. Diet, exercise and weight reduction should be the cornerstone of management. The treatment of markedly symptomatic patients with newly discovered type 2 diabetes and glucose levels lower than 400 mg/dL is controversial. Medications used to treat diabetes include insulin. Medications such as thiazides, used to control high blood pressure, and niacin, used for high cholesterol, also may increase blood sugar. Everyone needs regular aerobic exercise, and people with diabetes are no exception. The good news is that the same exercises that are good for your heart and lungs also help lower your blood sugar levels. Drugs and foods known to affect the CYP3A4 system need to be used cautiously in patients treated with atorvastatin, lovastatin, or simvastatin because these agents are largely metabolized through that system.

Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus

* Serious medical illness and surgery produce a state of increased insulin resistance.
* Controlling your blood sugar is essential to feeling healthy and avoiding long-term complications of diabetes.
* Diet, exercise and weight reduction should be the cornerstone of management.
* Medications used to treat diabetes include insulin. Medications such as thiazides, used to control high blood pressure, and niacin, used for high cholesterol, also may increase blood sugar.
* Drugs and foods known to affect the CYP3A4 system need to be used cautiously in patients treated with atorvastatin, lovastatin, or simvastatin because these agents are largely metabolized through that system.

Testimonial :Miana Laksmiati, SH, PT Telkom Divre 2, Bandung

Miana Laksmiati, SH, PT Telkom Divre 2, Bandung
Sekian lama saya merasakan pegal-pegal di belakang kepala bawah (pundak) karena kolesterol (di atas batas normal) antara 250 - 260 dan tekanan darah tinggi. If I feel stiff-stiff in the back of the head down (shoulder) because of cholesterol (above normal limits) between 250 - 260, and high blood pressure. Walaupun telah dibantu oleh obat yang diberikan dokter dan olah raga teratur, namun tetap saya merasa badan yang kurang enak/fit. Although it has been helped by drugs given to doctors and exercise regularly, but I still feel that the body is less good / fit.

Sampai suatu hari saya ditawari untuk membeli kalung kesehatan biofir oleh teman kerja saya. Until one day I offered to buy a necklace biofir health by working my friend. Saya lalu memakainya dan apa yang saya rasakan sungguh di luar dugaan karena saya esok harinya langsung merasa badan enak dan lebih segar. And I wear it, and what I really felt outside of allegations the next day because I direct feels good body and more fresh.

If I feel stiff-stiff in the back of the head down (shoulder) because of cholesterol (above normal limits) between 250 - 260, and high blood pressure. . Although it has been helped by drugs given to doctors and exercise regularly, but I still feel that the body is less good / fit.

. Until one day I offered to buy a necklace biofir health by working my friend. . And I wear it, and what I really felt outside of allegations the next day because I direct feels good body and more fresh.

Approximately 2 weeks later, I was a small operation on my fingers. Previously, I was required to do general check-up. . In fact, the results of this check-up showed all good: including a normal cholesterol I below 200, and a normal blood pressure 120/80.

. Even I do not undergo a special diet, I also do not drink herbal medicine or drug, eating patterns and my life just like any normal day-to-day previous. . Just operation is running smoothly.