Senin, 03 November 2008

Testimonial :Miana Laksmiati, SH, PT Telkom Divre 2, Bandung

Miana Laksmiati, SH, PT Telkom Divre 2, Bandung
Sekian lama saya merasakan pegal-pegal di belakang kepala bawah (pundak) karena kolesterol (di atas batas normal) antara 250 - 260 dan tekanan darah tinggi. If I feel stiff-stiff in the back of the head down (shoulder) because of cholesterol (above normal limits) between 250 - 260, and high blood pressure. Walaupun telah dibantu oleh obat yang diberikan dokter dan olah raga teratur, namun tetap saya merasa badan yang kurang enak/fit. Although it has been helped by drugs given to doctors and exercise regularly, but I still feel that the body is less good / fit.

Sampai suatu hari saya ditawari untuk membeli kalung kesehatan biofir oleh teman kerja saya. Until one day I offered to buy a necklace biofir health by working my friend. Saya lalu memakainya dan apa yang saya rasakan sungguh di luar dugaan karena saya esok harinya langsung merasa badan enak dan lebih segar. And I wear it, and what I really felt outside of allegations the next day because I direct feels good body and more fresh.

If I feel stiff-stiff in the back of the head down (shoulder) because of cholesterol (above normal limits) between 250 - 260, and high blood pressure. . Although it has been helped by drugs given to doctors and exercise regularly, but I still feel that the body is less good / fit.

. Until one day I offered to buy a necklace biofir health by working my friend. . And I wear it, and what I really felt outside of allegations the next day because I direct feels good body and more fresh.

Approximately 2 weeks later, I was a small operation on my fingers. Previously, I was required to do general check-up. . In fact, the results of this check-up showed all good: including a normal cholesterol I below 200, and a normal blood pressure 120/80.

. Even I do not undergo a special diet, I also do not drink herbal medicine or drug, eating patterns and my life just like any normal day-to-day previous. . Just operation is running smoothly.

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